Saturday, January 26, 2013

Manual Testing Interview Questions

1) What is a Software ?
    A Set of executable programs is called as Software.

2) What is software Project?
    If a Software is developed based on Specific Customer Requirements, then that Software is called as Application / Project.
    If a Software is developed based on Proposal from Specific Companies, then that Software is called as Application / Project.

 3) What is software Product ?
 If a Software is developed depending on overall requirements in the market, then that Software is called as Product.
With wompany's Self Interest / own proposal, a new software is developed for the market, that software is called product.

 4) What is SDLC ?
    During Project or Product Development, Organizations follow an Engineering Process called as SDLC.

5) What are old SDLC models?
There are 5 old SDLC models. they are waterfall model, prototype model, incremental model, spiral model and Rapid application development model.

6) What is Waterfall model or Linear Sequential Model?
In this model, one stage will be starting only after completion of previous stage.
This model is followable in companies when customer requirements are clear. ( when there is no confusion in customer requirements

7) What is Prototype model?
Organizations can follow this model, when customer requirements are not clear.
To get clear and complete requirements,organizations are developing prototypes before going to real software development. Here, prototype means screens without functionality.

8) What is Incremental model?
Organizations are following this Model, when customer requirements are huge.
Here, organizations are releasing a software installment by installment.

9) What is Spiral model?
Organizations are following this Model, when Customer Requirements are Enhancing Regularly.

10) What is RAD model?
Releasing new software using existing software coding. Because new project is similar to the old project. so that, application will be developed rapidly.

11) What are the drawbacks of old SDLC models?
a) In all the Old SDLC Models, Testing Stage comes after Coding only.
b) This Single Stage of Testing is conducted by the Same Programmers / Developers who perform Coding.
c)  Due to this, Organizations are not able to release Quality software to customer or to market.

12) What are the advanced SDLC models?
There are 3 advanced SDLC models, they are Fish model, V-model, and agile model

13) What is Fish model?
This model is followed in organizations, when Customer Requirements are Clear.
It's advantage is 100% quality will be achieved. But, this Model is time consuming & costly to follow.

14) What is V- model?
V stands for Verification and Validation. In this model, organizations are conducting multiple stages of testing. But are maintaining separate testing team for software testing stage only in order to save time and reduce project cost. 

15) What is Agile model?
When customer requirements are clear and customer is able to provide the stake holders then organizations are able to follow the this model.

16) What are the different types of agile models?
There are 3 types of agile models are there  based on the customer requirements..
a) Extreme programming (XP)
b) Sprint model
c) Agile model

17) What is meant by Extreme programming(XP) in agile model?
When customer requirements are not clear and customers are able to provide the stakeholders then  at that time organizations will follow prototype based agile model.
This is called as Extreme programming(XP).
18) What is meant by SPRINT model in agile model?
When customer requirements are clear and huge, customers are able to provide the stakeholders then  at that time organizations will follow incremental  based agile model.
This is called as SPRINT model.

19) What is meant by SCRUM model in agile model?
When customer requirements are clear and enhancing regularly, customers are able to provide the stakeholders then  at that time organizations will follow spiral  based agile model.
This is called as SCRUM model.

20) what is meant by Quality Software ?
Quality software means:
a) Meet Customer Requirements ( Functionality )
b )Meet Customer Expectations ( Performance, Usability, Compatibility, Security, ...)
c) Cost to Produce License.
d) Time to Release.

21) From all new SDLC models which model thus companies are following and why?
 In New SDLC Models, V Model is Reasonable to Follow as it is Time Saving and Cost Effective.

 22) What is software bidding?
  A proposal to develop the software is called as software bidding.

23) What is the role of Business Analyst (BA) in a company?
To develop the software, business analyst ( BA) will gather all requirements from the customer w.r.t to business needs of the customer. After completion of gathering the requirements then BA will prepares and review the Business Requirements Specification (BRS) document.

24) What is the role of system analyst (SA) in a company?
By reviewing the BRS,  System analyst (SA) will analyse all the requirements of the customer, SA will prepare and review the Software requirements specification (SRS) document w.r.t to analysed requirements of the customer.

25) What is the role of Technical Architect (TA) in a company?
Technical architect (TA) will make the design for the project such as HLD and LLD's w.r.t SRS document prepared by SA.

26) What is the role of programmer in a company?
Programmer is responsible for the coding part for the corresponding software to be developed.
And he is also responsible for conducting the unit and integration testing w.r.t  LLD's and HLD respectively.

27) what is meant by HLD?
HLD means High Level Design which describes the Total Architecture of Software i.e, at ( Project Level ) .

28) what is meant by LLD?
LLD means, Low Level Design which provides the Internal Architecture or Logic for a Specific Module i.e.,at  ( Module Level ) . That's Why, One Project has One HLD and Multiple LLD's.

29) What are the different types of testing stages/phases?
a) Document Testing b) Unit Testing C) Integration Testing d)software Testing e) acceptance Testing f) release Testing g) maintenance Testing

30) What is Document testing?
Testing the documents such as BRS, SRS, and design which are prepared by BA, SA and TA respectively for verifying completeness and correctness is called as documents testing.

31) what is Unit Testing?
when design documents were baseliled (completion of testing). programmers can start testing the single code or program which they have wrote for validating the completeness and correctness is called as unit testing/code testing/program testing.

32) What is integration testing?
After completion of two or more unit testing of programs, programmers can integrate those programmes by using another sample of code for the functionality of two programmes called as integration testing.

33) What is  Software testing?
Testing the complete system or software w.r.t customer requirements and expectations with the intention to find out the defects in that SUT (software under testing) is called as software testing.

34) what is meant by acceptance testing?
Getting  the feedback on the developed software from the customer is called as acceptance testing.

35) what is meant by Release testing?
After completion of acceptance from the customers, corresponding project management can select few developers and few testers along with few hardware engineers to go to real customer site or license purchased customer site for  release of software called as release testing.

36) What is meant by maintenance testing?
After completion of release testing at customer site, some developers and testers will be selected for the maintenance of that software such as enhancing the new features or modifying the existing features called as maintenance testing.

37) What are the testing techniques to be followed for the testing of documents?
There are 3 techniques testers can follow for the documents testing they are:
a) walkthrough
b) Inspection
c) peer review

38) What is meant by Walkthrough?
Testing the complete document from the starting to ending by studying it called as walkthrough.

39) What is meant by  Inspection?
Searching Document for a specific Factor called as inspection.

40) What is meant by  Peer review?
Peer Review means Comparing 2 Similar Documents.

41) What are the testing techniques to be followed for the conducting of unit testing by programmers?
There are 4 techniques to be followed by the programmers to conduct unit testing they are as follows:
a) Basic path coverage b) control structure coverage c) program technique coverage d) mutation coverage.

42) What is meant by Basic path coverage ?
progarmmers can use this technique to test whether the programme is running without any syntax and run time errors by covering all the paths in the program called as Basic path coverage.

43) What is meant by cyclomatic complexity (CC)?
The number paths in a programme is called as cyclomatic complexity (CC).

44) What is meant by control structure coverage?
programmers can use this technique to validate the programme correctness in terms of inputs and outputs.

45) What is meant by Debugging?
Checking each line of code by giving inputs and getting outputs called as Debugging.

46) what is meant by program technique coverage?
programmers can use this technique to calculate the execution  speed of a program called as program technique coverage.

47) what is meant by Mutation coverage?
Here, mutation means a change. In this programmers can perform changes intentionally and they will test the program once again completely . This is called as mutation coverage/ Bebugging.

48) Explain Top-down approach technique in integration testing?
In this approach, programmers are integrating programs from the main module (Top)to the sub modules (Bottom) without involvement of under constructive sub modules.Instead of under constructive sub module.Instead of under constructive sub program, programmers will use STUBs.

49) What is meant by a STUB?
A temporary code which will be used for the integrating of under constructive sub modules.

50) explain Bottom-up approach technique in integration testing?
In this approach, programmers are integrating from  sub modules (Bottom)  to the Main modules (Bottom)without involvement of under constructive main module.For under constructive main module DRIVER is a program used for integrating with the sub modules.

51) What is meant by DRIVER?
DRIVER is a temporary program that is used instead of under constructive main module.

52) What is meant by Hybrid approach?
The combination of top - down & bottom - up approaches is called as hybrid approach or sand witch approach.

53) What is meant by  Bigbang approach?
Testing the complete program without any STUBS and DRIVER called as bigbang approach or system approach.

54) Into how many categories thus software testing is divided into?
Software testing is divided into two parts they are:
a) Functional testing
b) Non - Functional testing

55) What is meant by Functional testing?
Functional testing is nothing but the testing all the functionalities of a software according to the customer requirements.So this Functional testing is also called as requirements testing.

56) What is meant by Non- Functional testing?
Non- Functional testing is nothing but the testing all the characteristics of a software according to the customer expectations.So, this Non- Functional testing is also called as expectations testing /characteristic testing / System testing.

57) Into how many categories thus functional testing divided into?
Functional testing is categorised into 7 types they are:
a) GUI testing b) Input domain testing c) Error handling testing d) Manipulation testing
e) Database testing f) Data volume testing / Database capacity testing  g) Intersystem testing / SOA testing / Interoperability testing

58) What is GUI (Graphical User Interface)/ Behavioural testing / Controlflow testing?
Testing whether each objects in software screens are behaving / responding correctly or not while operating them.

59) What is meant by Input Domain Testing?
Testing whether each object in the SUT screens are taking correct input type and size. 

60) what is meant by Error Handling Testing?
Testing each object of SUT in every screen by giving invalid data to the objects to get error messages. which means the SUT is showing error messages or not when user have given invalid data.

61) What is meant by Data Manipulation Testing?
During this testing, testing team can operate each object in every screen of SUT by giving correct input to get exact output.

62) What is meant by Database testing?
During this testing, testing team can give the input from frontend, and testing the backend database, which means on giving input from the front end whether backend database is effecting (modifying)or not called as Database Testing.

63) What is meant by Data Volume Testing / Memory Testing / Data Capacity Testing?
During this testing, testing team can measure the database capacity by giving the huge data from the front end screens to the backend database till that database is overflow.

64) Into how many categories thus Non- functional testing divided into?
Non- functional testing divided into 7 categories. They are:
a ) Usability testing b) compatibility testing  c) Hardware configuration testing
d) Performance testing  e) Security testing  f) Multi languity testing  g) Installation testing

65) What is meant by Usability testing ?
This testing is done inorder  to identify whether software front end screens are user friendly or not. i.e., whether software is having:
a) Ease of use
b) short navigations
c) Look and Feel

66) What is meant by compatibility testing ?
During this testing, testing team can test the compatibilityness of the SUT.I.e., whether the software is working on all types of platforms such as on different types browsers, different types of operating systems , different types system softwares and etc.

 67) What is meant by Hardware configuration testing ?
During this testing, testing team can test whether SUT is working on all the hardware configuration or not. Which means on on different types printers, different types networks, different types scanners and different types of other hardware environments. 

68) What is meant by Performance testing  ?
During this testing, testing team can test the performance (speed) of SUT by applying the load on it called as performance testing.

69) What is meant by Load Testing?
Execution of software under customer expected configuration and customer expected load called as load testing.

70) What is meant by Spike Testing?
Execution of software under customer expected configuration and huge load to identify the server crashing points called as spike testing.

71) What is meant by Stress Testing?
The execution of SUT under customer expected configuration by applying more than customer expected load to estimate peak load ( maximum load, the project can handle ) is called as stress testing.

72) What is meant by Soak / Endurance Testing?
Execution of software under customer expected configuration and customer expected load repeatedly to identify the memory leakages. Which means for how much time the software is working even after applying the reasonable load on it called as Endurance Testing / Longevity testing.

73) What is meant by Security Testing?
During this testing, testing team can conduct below sub-tests:
a) Authorization Testing
During this testing, testing team can validate whether the SUT is allowing the valid user and denieing the invalid user or not.
b) Access Control Testing
During this testing, testing team can validate whether the valid user is having the permissions for accessing of the specfic functionality or not.
c) Encryption and Decryption Testing:
During this testing, testing team can test whether the SUT is converting the original data to encrypted form and encrypted data to the dycrypted form or not.

74) What is meant by Multi-languity Testing?
Testing whether the software is supporting the multiple languages or not. This testing is done by using the language conversions tool.

75) What is meant by  Installation Testing?
During this testing team can test whether the SUT is set up program is easy to install or not, whether SUT is having easy installation or not , whether Installed SUT is occupying disk space or not and whether SUT is easy to uninstall or not.

76) What is meant by  Parallel testing / competitive testing?
Testing our software product by comparing with the previous versions of SUT or with other competitive products in the market to find the weakness and strengths of a software product.

77) What is meant by Compliance testing?
During this testing, testing team can test whether our developed software application is meeting the standards of company, standards of testing and testing team efficiency called as compliance testing.

78) What is meant by Alpha testing?
After completion of complete software project testing, company people will call the customers to the company site in order to give the feedback on the developed software project/application is  called as alpha testing.

79) What is meant by Beta testing?
After completion of complete software product testing, company people will get the feedback on the developed software product indirectly by receiving the feedback through mails or ratings for the developed product is  called as Beta testing.

80) what is meant by yellow box testing?
The combination of both Alpha testing and Beta testing called as yellow box testing.

81) What are green box testing techniques?
Green box testing techniques are a part of Release Testing. In this Testers will test whether the SUT is completely getting installed or not, whether installed software is supporting all the input and output devices and etc.

82) What is Grey box Testing technique?
Whenever testing people, test the software where that software has done some changes (failures and enhancements) done by them (CCB people) for this testing purpose CCB pole will use this technique.

83) How can you measure Bug Removal Efficiency or Testing Team Efficiency?
Bug Removal Efficiency or Testing Team Efficiency = A/A+B
A = No of bugs found in software during testing
B = No of failures of software during maintenance

84) What is Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC)?
During the software testing, testing team follows the process or life cycle such as Software test initiation, Software test planning, Software test design, Software test execution, Software test closure this whole process is called as software testing life cycle.

85) What is role of Project manager (PM) in Software Testing Life Cycle?
Here, PM is responsible for the preparation of software test strategy document in IEEE 829 format ,in which he/she will decide what are the functional and non functional tests to be conducted in the current project.

86) How many test strategies / approaches / methodologies are there to prepare the Software Test Strategy  document?
There are 3 strategies are there:
a) Exhaustive Software Test Strategy
b) Optimal Software Test Strategy
c) Adhoc Software Test Strategy

87) Which test strategy thus PM will select to prepare the Software Test Strategy document?
PM will select 'optimal test strategy' to prepare the Software Test Strategy document in IEEE 829 format.

88) Why Exhaustive Software Test Strategy is not preferable to prepare Software Test Strategy document?
From the testing principles Exhaustive Software Test Strategy is impossible due to the time limitation and resources for testing.

89) Why Adhoc Software Test Strategy is not prefferable to prepare Software Test Strategy document?
From the testing principles, Adhoc testing is not preferable because, Due to some risks in this strategy quality software is not achieved.

90) What is the budget allocation for software testing and development?
Out of 100% budget allocation, 64% will be allocated for the development and maintenance and remaining 36% is allocated for the testing.

91) What is Testing Responsibility Matrix (TRM)?
In Testing Responsibility Matrix (TRM), PM will list out what are the software  testing topics to be conduct and what are the software  testing topics  not to conduct in current project / product.

92) Due to what reasons PM can skip some testing topics in current project?
There are 3 reasons to skip the testing topics in current project they are a follows:
a) Due to no requirement for the customer to conduct that test  in current project.
b) Due o lack of knowledge on that testing topic
c) Due to unavailability of resources for that test to conduct.

93) What are testing measurements and metrics?
To estimate the efficiency of testing people, PM can list out some measurements and metrics they are as follows:
Per day 30 test cases document was prepared.
Per day 20 test cases document was executed.
Per day 5 defects were detected by the tester.

94) Based on factors thus tester can form the testing team?
a) project / product size (No. of functionalities)
b) Duration available for testing
c) availability of testers on bench
d) availability of resources like testing tools.

95) What are the risks or challenges  that are faced by the test lead?
a) Lack of time
b) Lack of documentation
c) Delays in delivery
d) Lack of seriousness to the developers
e) Lack of communication

96) What is ENTRY criteria for testing / when software test execution was ready?
a) When test cases were prepared and reviewed.
b) When test environment was established
c) After software was released from developers

97) What is suspension / Interrupt criteria for testing?
a) Test environment problem
b) Major defect in SUT
c) More number of minor defects in pending to fix.

98) What is EXIT criteria / STOP criteria?
a) Exceeding of testing time
b) No major bugs in SUT
c) All modules were tested.

99) What is a Defect?
When a tester is testing the SUT, then a mismatch is occur in between the customer expected result to the test case executed actual result called as Defect.

100) How can we define a Bug?
When a defect is found by the tester, then that defect is reported to the developers to fix it. If developers are accepted that defect to fix,then is is called as BUG.

101) When a tester is said to be a Good Tester?
A good tester is a tester who will report more number of defects which are accepted by the developers.

102) What are the responsibilities of Test lead?
a) prepare the test plan(s)
b) Review test cases prepared by the s.r tester
c) coordinate s.r tester and j.r tester
d) Involve in defect/issue/incident tracking with the developers

103) What are the responsibilities of S.r Tester?
a) Prepare the test cases
b) Reporting the defects/ issue / incident detected by j.r tester
c) coordinate the j.r testers

104) What are the responsibilities of J.r Tester?
a) Test case execution on SUT by detecting the defects
b) Reporting defects to the s.r tester and test lead

105) What is a test scenario?
An  activity to test is called as Test scenario.

106) What is a test case?
A condition to test is called as test case.

107) What is role of Test Lead (TL) in Software Testing Life Cycle?
 Here, TL is responsible for the planning of software testing to be conducted, in which he / she will be responsible for the formation of testing team, identification of risks, preparing of test plan(s) and review of test plan(s).

108) What is role of Testing Engineer(TE) in Software Testing Life Cycle?
Testing Engineer(TE) is responsible for  test design which means, the execution of test cases on TL selected modules on PM selected tests on every build of software which is released by the software developers until last (bug free software is achieved) build.

109) What is software Test Closure in STLC?
Test Closure means, in simple terms it is a formal meeting conducted by the test lead (TL) along  with some s.r and j.r testers in the project to discuss the factors like how many bugs they have found in the current project, how many defects are postponed, how many are fixed , density of bugs in each module and etc.

110) What is meant by test bed or test harness?
A test bed is a combination of testing documents (TS+TCD+Test data) and test environment (S/w + H/w).

111) What is meant by Test data?
which data we are using for testing is called as 'Test data'.

112) What is meant by Software build version and Software release version?
A software version which is in between the developers and testers called as 'build version' but, a software version which is in between the company people and the customers called as   'software release version'.    

113) What is Smoke testing?
A testing which has to be conducted by the test lead or any of the tester to check that the software build recieved from the developers is testable or not before lauching that build into all the testers systems.
 Due to this reason this testing is also called as Testability testing or tester acceptance testing or build verification testing.

 114) What is Real testing?
Real testing indicates that the execution of test cases or testdata on the SUT to compare the SUT's  actual  result and testcases expected result. If both are same then the testers can goto the next testcase execution. This process will continue till any of the test case failed.

115) What is meant by Test Suite?
While conducting the real testing, test engineers will arrange the test cases in order. This order of related test cases group is called as 'Test Suite'.

116) What is meant by Test log?
While conducting the real testing, test engineers are preparing  a daily report called as 'Test log'.

117) What indicates 'severity' in software testing?
The seriousness of defect w.r.t  to testers (High, Critical,Show stopper).

118) What indicates 'priority' in software testing?
The importance of defect fixing w.r.t customer(High, Medium, Low).

119) What is the difference between Smoke test and Sanity test?
Smoke test will be conducted in all the software builds from initial build to the final build.But, sanity test will be conducted for all the software builds except the initial build.

120) What is the difference between Retesting and Regression testing?
Retesting: By executing previously failed cases on modified builds to confirm correctness of modifications.
Regression testing: On executing previously passed all related testcases on modified SUT  to confirm those modifiactions were one correctly without any side effects.

121) What is meant by Test cycle?
Test cycle means that the time gap in between two consecutive software  build releases from developers to testers.

122) Define Software test closure?
After completion of all test cycles, corresponding testers can conduct a review meeting with selected testers or all the testers to discuss the factors like coverage analysis, stability in software, bug density, and analysis of deffered bugs.

123) What is meant by 'Coverage analysis' in software test closure?
Coverage analysis indicates that the test coverage of all the modules in SUT along with the testing topics (i.e.,Usability testing, performance testing, etc) coverage.

124) What is the Stability in software or What is 80,20 rule?
In 20% of testing we can find 80% of bugs. In 80% of tetsing we can find 20% of bugs.

125) What is Bug density?
Number of bugs found in a module by an average.

126) What is Post mortum testing?
Testing team can re-execute test cases related to high bug density modules on final SUT for 'golden bugs' to detect. This testing is called as 'Post mortum' testing.

127) What are the other names for Post mortum testing?
Final regression testing, Pre acceptance testing, confidence testing.

128) What is the Exit criteria?
Coverage analysis, stability in software, bug density, and analysis of deffered bugs called as Exit Criteria.

129) What is Requirement Tracability Matrix (RTM)?
In software testing, the final test summary report is called as Requirement Tracability Matrix (RTM).

130) Who can prepare Requirement Tracability Matrix (RTM)?
Test lead can prepare Requirement Tracability Matrix (RTM).

131) What are Adhoc test strategies?
From software testing principles, exhaustive testing is impossible to due to this reason, organizations are following optimal test strategies for software. Due to some risks some organizations are following adhoc testing.

132) What is Monkey testing?
Due to lack of time testing team is conducting testing on some modules of SUT only instead of all the modules.

133) What is Acceptance testing?
After completion of software test closure, testing team will join with developers team to collect the feedback from customer site people in alpha testing and beta testing manner called as Acceptance testing.

134) What is Buddy testing?
Due to lack of time, testers will join with developers to continue development and testing parallely from early stages of development.

135) What is Exploratory testing?
Due to lack of documetation, testers can prepare test scenarios and test cases for responsible modules depends on past experiance, dicuss with the others, internet browsing,operating SUT screens, or conference with the customer site people and etc.

136) What is Pair testing?
Due to lack of skills, junior testers will join with senior testers to share the knowledge during testing.

137) What is Agile testing?
Due to sudden changes in requirements, testing team can change corresponding scenarios and cases and goto retesting and regression testing on those modified software.

138) What is Bebugging?
To increase or improve the skills of testers,developers will release the SUT with known bugs. If testers found those bugs then that testing team is good otherwise testing team needs some training.

139) What indicates 'Sign-Off' in software testing?
After completion of acceptance level, test lead and team lead can roll off their corresponding testers and developers from the current poject/product called as Sign-Off.

140) what are the main factors that include in Requirement Tracability Matrix (RTM)?
Requirements,Testcases doc- id, Result,Defect id Closed/ deffered, Comments are the factors that included in Requirement Tracability Matrix (RTM).

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